What are the ways to access leads after the 3-month Free Access?

Last Updated Apr 11, 09:01 AM

As your 3-month free leads access trial with OnePropertee ends, it's crucial to understand how you can continue accessing valuable leads to grow your real estate business. OnePropertee offers two distinct paths for accessing leads: One Partnership and LeadCoins. Both options enable immediate lead access but differ in payment structure and the type of leads provided. Here's a side-by-side comparison to help you assess which path aligns best with your business strategy.

One Partnership offers a pay-later model contingent on the successful closing of a deal, making it a lower-risk option for real estate professionals. This model mainly benefits those seeking a more secure investment in their lead generation efforts, as it provides pre-qualified leads. These leads are more likely to convert into sales, given they have already been vetted for their interest and potential to purchase.

On the other hand, LeadCoins requires payment upfront, allowing access to raw leads. This option suits real estate professionals with the resources and strategies to nurture and convert leads at various stages of the buying process. While these leads have not been pre-qualified, they offer a broader spectrum of potential customers, providing more opportunities for engagement.

Choosing between One Partnership or LeadCoins depends on your business model, risk appetite, and capacity to nurture leads. One Partnership is ideal for those who prefer a more secure, outcome-based approach, focusing on leads with a higher likelihood of conversion. LeadCoins, however, offers the flexibility to access a wider pool of leads, appealing to those willing to invest in nurturing relationships with potential buyers at different stages of interest.

Whatever path you choose, OnePropertee provides the tools and support needed to maximize your lead generation efforts. It ensures you have access to valuable opportunities to grow your real estate business beyond the free trial period.