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Can I create a OnePropertee account via Facebook?

Last Updated Mar 11, 2020

Yes, you can create your OnePropertee account via Facebook. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Go to OnePropertee.

  2. On the Register page, click on the ‘Continue with Facebook’ button.

  3. You will be redirected to your Facebook account and you will be asked to give permission to OnePropertee to gain access to your profile photo, and first and last name (we will not ask for your other information aside from the aforementioned).

  4. After giving permission, you will be redirected to OnePropertee website to continue your profile creation.

  5. Finally, successful creation of your account will display a Facebook badge on your Profile page to signify that you are connected via Facebook. The next time you log in on OnePropertee, you can use the ‘Log in via Facebook’ button for easy login.